John Glenn High School
May 29 - June 21 8:00 - 12:00
Breakfast and Lunch available
John Glenn High School
May 29 - June 21 8:00 - 12:00
Breakfast and Lunch available
John Glenn Art Department competed in the Congressional Art Contest. Our students were able to earn 5 out of the top 10 places, and 10 more students are being displayed in the South Bend Airport.
Gracie Wolf-Winchell placed in the top ten for her dramatic charcoal,"The Eye". Max Metz placed in the top 10 for her creative pastel, "Seeing Eye." Nathan Matanic placed in the top 10 for his beautifully detailed charcoal of a Native American. Joshua Westfall placed second place with his artwork, "Lucy." Josh's artwork will be hanging in the District Building for the next year. Nina Foresman's artwork, "Goat," placed first. Her artwork will be hanging in Washington DC for the next year. Nina is also receiving a trip to Washington DC. Congratulations to all these students.
Friday, May 17th - 1st and 7th hour
Monday, May 20th - 2nd, 4th, and 6th hour
Tuesday, May 21st - 3rd and 5th hour
Monday, May 20th - 2nd 4th, and 6th hour
Tuesday, May 21st - 3rd and 5th hour
Wednesday, May 22nd - 1st and 7th hour
The John Glenn Art Department had 18 awards at Scholastics, including a Senior Portfolio. The winning pieces of art are displayed for a month at the South Bend Museum of Art.
Anna White received a Gold Key
Nathan Matanic received a Gold Key and an Honorable Mention
Tam Nhu Ha received an Honorable Mention
Max Metz received a Silver Key
Caitlin Short received a Gold Key, 3 Silver Keys, an Honorable Mention and her portfolio received an Honorable Mention
Joshua Westfall received a Gold KeyLily Medich received an Honorable Mention
Phoenix Green received an Honorable Mention
Delilah Phelan received an Honorable Mention
McKenzie Maike received an Honorable Mention
Kaydence Borys received an Honorable Mention
Rylee Kabacinski received an Honorable Mention